Thursday, April 06, 2006

Favorite Quote of the Day

"... America's well-known hypocrisy towards nudity (half the population sucks on nipples frequently for the first few months of their life but then you aren't allowed to see them for 18 years"
- quote from Xboxic article on Tomb Raider "nipplegate"

photo © bruno magalhaes for CC:Attribution-ShareAlike


At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting how America prefers violence to sex. We've censored naughty bits in preference of torture and murder. Two wrongs still don't make a right, but this situation is clearly ironic.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger JonnyRo said...

Even better is the grandmother that bought the rated M game for her 14 year old grandson. She was apparently fine with rampant violence, but throw in a little cartoon sex and it's offensive.

I'm not arguing against the morality of such things, but I am strongly against legislation in this direction. The continued stories of corruption in government that show a lot of these "moral" guys running the show are pretty twisted old geezers themselves. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone... bitches.


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