Thursday, May 18, 2006

Looks like Mr. Dias is going hungry

India clears Da Vinci Code with some minor restrictions. I applaud your government for not being such a freaking wimp to the religious zealots out there. Look, anyone in their right mind knows that this movie is not presented as fact, and if the Indian censor board feels that their viewing public is not intelligent enough to "get" this, then i'm fine with them putting little warnings about that before and after the film.

They can however at the same time go ahead and put such warnings in front of every church service on every religion in the whole freaking PLANET, because obviously SOMEBODY has it wrong. The most narrow interpretations of religious beliefs expect that everyone but one group will be wrong.

Why does this feel like the argument over evolution. Let people decide for themselves. Dias, you are a sad sad man, and I hope you stick to your promise if the film goes through. No one likes a whiner who doesnt follow through. That or apologize for being such a tool.

For those that havent been following the controversy, press grubbing and self proclaimed Catholic leader Joseph Dias has gone on a hunger strike until the film is banned in India. Gagwatch has it's own opinion on Dias' conduct

The official opinion of honest churchgoers who are offended by this should not be to hunger strike or protest, but to say "it's a freaking movie, get over it." Should they have issues with their minor children seeing it, hey, that's their business, but stop trying to censor your fellow man.


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