Thursday, January 25, 2007


I was contemplating creating a flow chart
outlining the jeep hobby
from newbie
to burnout
and all the various stages that occur in between
There are several funny stages in the middle
that often occur
James: heh
are you at burnout, already?
me: A: I'll get a loan and finish my jeep right
B: I'll open an offroad shop with my buddy who knows everything, but mysteriously does not have an offroad shop already
C: Me and someone else will set up axles, and make a fortune
D: I'm selling my jeep
E: I'm not selling my jeep
James: laugh
me: F: Your jeep sucks
G: My bruiser chassis is on order
E: I lied
F: I'm going hydro steer
G: I'm settling for this steering
H: I dont give a fck about the DOT regs
I: The ticket i have to pay now sucks
J: I know what the bearing preload is
James: [smile]
me: K: There are metal fragments all over the pavement
every time i hear someone say something in my list
James: (that can be the ``jake'' stage)
me: i just laugh inside
even worse is the budget boost stage
which should in all cases
be skipped entirely
James: gill is stuck there...
me: nooo
James: and he's going straight from there to stage D
i don't see much hope for him.
me: it alwasy happens
budget boosters
are 50% more likely
to go to stage D
is he in socorro
James: very sad
Sent at 4:23 PM on Thursday



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