Monday, March 27, 2006

Nash bridges sucks

Okay, if you havent realized by my increased post frequency tonight. I'm up late unable to sleep. I guess i'm excited, since I just moved the entire company over to a new e-mail server. Tomorrow morning is definately going to bring with it a lot of support calls with users needing to update their server settings and needing help doing so in their e-mail client of choice.

Back to the title of this post. Being without a TiVo, and adding insult to injury, only having my TiVo remote (which cant change channels on my TV), I am watching the dumbest show ever while listening to ads about Term Life insurance for seniors. Nash Bridges is a crappy crappy show, that utilizes a completely stupid soundtrack. A gunfight in the show was set to the same thing the US Navy is currently using for their recruitment campaign "Godsmack - I'm alive". Can you really tell me that the old folks who actually watch nash bridges are big Godsmack fans.

I sure as hell dont give a crap about the aging Miami Vice star, Don Johnson. Perhaps the only person in the show that I could give a crap about is Cheech Marin, but only out of respect for his past work in the comedy duo of Cheech and Chong. This show is almost as bad as Viper, but at least that show had younger acters, hotter girls, and a much nicer car.


At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the Viper was a perfect weapon for an imperfect future. Dude.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger JonnyRo said...

The viper also had an offroad mode, where the tires got bigger and wider.

Plus the drone.

At 11:17 PM, Blogger JonnyRo said...

Wikipedia Viper Page. Doesnt seem like there is much in the way of graphics from the show here.

Is it in syndication anywhere?


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