Friday, May 19, 2006

MS shills drinking the kool aid again.

Within one minute of each other the following stories were posted on diggdot (via slashdot and digg). Microsoft, stop drinking the kool aid and get to work not sucking so damn much.

New MS Word 0 day exploit found - subbers writes "A zero-day flaw in Microsoft Word program is being used in an active exploit by sophisticated hackers in China and Taiwan, according to warnings from anti-virus researchers. The exploit arrives as an ordinary Microsoft Word document attachment to an e-mail and drops a backdoor with rootkit features when the document is opened and the previously unknown vulnerability is triggered.
Open source software not reliable, choose commercial - A senior Microsoft executive told a BBC World documentary that people should use commercial software if they're looking for stability. (Translation, this 2 bit idiot is getting paid to say this.)

The funny thing is, with open source software when there is a 0 day exploit, you at least did not pay $400 per MS Office suite to get ripped off. All things being equal, wouldnt you feel a little bit less ripped off if an open source package failed you than one you paid for.

The problem is, once someone makes a decision to shell out cash for commercial software, they are emotionally invested in the decision, and keep trying to justify it.


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